
Facebook for iPhone / iPod touch now iOS 4 compatible - Engadget
We'll get right to the point: the Facebook app for your iPhone / iPod touch is now drinking the iOS 4 Kool-Aid. Fast app switching,

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Pages for iPhone screenshots?
It seems that Apple is working to bring the iWork apps to the iPhone. Now available for the iPad, Keynote, Pages and Numbers were among the top sellers for many weeks after their release, making some users eager for iPhone editions. ...

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Leaked: Apple's internal iPhone 4 antenna troubleshooting .
The antenna issues plaguing the iPhone 4 have infuriated many iPhone users (and rightfully so), but have you ever wondered how Apple is training its employees to deal with the fiasco? Well thanks to one of our Apple connects, ...

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iPhone 4 photography: how does it perform as a camera? - Boing Boing
As a camera, the iPhone 4 is really sweet. I hopped on my bike and took the device down to the Venice Skate Park, then out to the ocean pier, then rode back to the office and tested the device out in a variety of lighting conditions ...

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iSuppli: iPhone 4 parts cost $187.51
iSuppli has done its usual thing with the16GB iPhone 4's components, calculating the raw cost of each of them, and the total comes to: US$187.51. The most expensive thing in the phone is the retina display screen, which is supposedly ...

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Apple sells 1.7 million iPhone 4s through Saturday, June 26 .
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/Apple_sells_1_7_million_iPhone_4s_in_first_3_days'; There you have it. 600000 pre-orders turned into 1.7 million.

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The iPhone 4 Death Grip saga - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Tech
Reports of the demise of Apple's newest device have been greatly exaggerated [caption id=

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iPhone 4 gets preliminary 'userland' jailbreak, real freedom still .
The most Twitter-vocal iPhone Dev Team member, Mr. MuscleNerd himself, has just posted a screenshot from a jailbroken iPhone 4. Before you get too ex.

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iPhone 4 antenna problems were predicted on June 10 by Danish .
Well, this must be one of the most epic 'I told you so' moments in the history of consumer electronics. Professor Gert Fr�lund Pedersen, an.

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The Best Semi-Solutions for iPhone 4 Reception Problems So Far
There no great fix for the iPhone 4 reception issues right now. Here are the best pseudo-solutions so far.

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iPhone 4 FaceTime over a MiFi connection: because we had to try .
Okay, so you're starting to come down from your post-purchase iPhone 4 gadget high and you're getting into the habit of using it just like.

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Steve Jobs on Future Wireless iPhone Syncing, Replacement of 'Hold .
With the release of iPhone 4, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has fired up his email account again and is responding to a number of customer emails. First it was his description of the signal strength concerns.

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Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues: you're holding the .
So, we just spoke with Apple and got the straight dirt on the reception issues that have been plaguing users today... and it's a little.

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Some iPhone 4 models dropping calls when held left-handed .
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/iPhone_4_bezel_antenna_actually_makes_it_DROP_calls'; What's more annoying than spending hours lining up for a sh.

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iPhone 4 Signal Declines While Being Held? A Longstanding .
Gizmodo has compiled a series of videos demonstrating that the iPhone 4s single bars seem to drop down significantly when being held in hand. The report actually began in our own forums with a video.

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iPhone 4 is Faster than 3GS and Slower than iPad in Early .
iPhone 4 results on left, 3GS on right Early benchmarks of the iPhone 4 show it to be 31% faster than the iPhone 3GS according to the Geekbench 2 app. Geek Bench has been a popular benchmarking ut.

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iPhone 4 review - Engadget
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/The_first_iPhone_4_review'; The iPhone 4 is no small thing to review. As most readers of Engadget are well aware,

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Walmart Receives iPhone 4s, Apple Confirms Early iPhone 4 .
Engadget posts a photo of the iPhone 4 retail packaging that has been delivered to Walmart. Despite the early arrival, Apple is restricting retailers from selling the device before the official la.

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iPhone 3G, iOS 4, and you - what's missing (spoiler: multitasking .
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/iPhone_3G_iOS_4_and_you_what_s_missing'; While iOS 4 is delivering on every promise for the iPhone 3GS users out.

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AT%26T Confirming Shipment of iPhone 4 Pre-Orders - Mac Rumors
Those customers lucky enough to successfully place iPhone 4 pre-orders through AT%26T before the company's servers imploded last week might be interested to know that the carrier has begun confirming sh.

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Best Buy Expects 'Minimal Inventory' of iPhone 4 on Launch Day .
iClarified is mirroring the entire Best Buy iPhone 4 launch plan which was originally leaked to HowardForums. The document focuses on the policies surrounding Best Buy's iPhone 4 launch and reveals.

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iPhone 4 pre-orders now shipping - Engadget
We're still trying to puzzle out the mystery of why some iPhone 4 pre-orders have been randomly canceled, but there's good news for the rest.

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Another iPhone Mystery Explained - Pogue's Posts Blog - NYTimes.com
What are those late-night data transfers from your iPhones?

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Apple releases Find my iPhone app
If your iPhone or iPad goes missing, you can install the app on any other iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and log in with your MobileMe credentials (a MobileMe account is required) to find it. Once located, the app places its location on a ...

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iPhone 4 Confirmed to Have 512MB of RAM (Twice the iPad and 3GS .
Since the launch of the original iPhone, Apple has made efforts to hide some of the actual tech specs of the device from consumers. Apple has never advertised or even published the processor spee.

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Apple CDMA iPhone 4 rumor given new wings - Engadget
With the iPad unicorn now slain, what other beast can DigiTimes shackle its rumor mongering machine to? How about Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek.

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Original iPhone owners can also keep their unlimited data with .
Original iPhone users have been paying $20/month for unlimited 2G data and 200 text messages per month. Since AT%26T is no longer offering new unlimited plans, I assumed that I would not be able to keep the unlimited data option when we ...

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iPhone 4 Disaster: Orders Charged and Sent to the Wrong People
They denied it, but readers claim that AT%26T is exposing credit cards and shipping information during iPhone 4 pre-orders. Wrong shipping information is even being used by AT%26T and Apple's websites to send units to the wrong people.

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Apple iPhone 4 pre-orders now sold out? - Engadget
We have no idea how this happened given the insane problems Apple and AT%26T have had processing iPhone 4 pre-orders today, but Apple's store now.

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Facebook CEO Deletes Controversial iPhone 4 Post
While I've followed the story about Mark Zuckerberg dissing the iPhone, it wasn't really of much interest to me--or to ...

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Radio Shack Offering iPhone 3GS (and other) Trade-Ins for iPhone 4 .
As one of the launch retailers for the iPhone 4, Radio Shack is offering special trade-in deals for existing phones that can be applied to the new iPhone 4. At a Brooklyn-area RadioShack, a sales rep.

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iPhone OS 4 to include Facebook video uploads? - Engadget
We already knew that Apple was likely ratcheting up the social networking integration in iOS 4 -- that is, if the addition of Linked Contacts.

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Wal-Mart Stores to Sell iPhone 4 on June 24, Same as Apple Stores .
The new iPhone 4 is going straight to Wal-Mart Stores the same day it will be released at Apple Stores.

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MOG's Music Streaming iPhone App Is Caught In App Store Purgatory, Too
Yesterday we reported on a music-streaming iPhone application called Rdio that has been waiting for weeks to have an update approved by Apple. Now we've learned that this may be part of a new trend: MOG, the music portal that offers an ...

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Icon iPhone battery pack combines visual bliss with bona fide .
Oh, sure -- Mophie's Juice Pack Air may be quite the effective device when it comes to rejuvenating a dead iPhone, but what it.

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iPhone 4 launch day at AT%26T stores: 7AM opening, awesome t-shirts .
What you're looking at here, folks, is the extreme wardrobe you can expect to see when you waltz into a corporate-owned AT%26T retail location on.

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iPhone 4 launch day at AT%26T stores: 7AM opening, awesome t-shirts .
What you're looking at here, folks, is the extreme wardrobe you can expect to see when you waltz into a corporate-owned AT%26T retail location on.

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AT%26T Site Sells iPhone Plans For $30 Cheaper Than Apple Site - The .
On the hunt for the best iPhone 4 plan price he could find, Josh says he found plans to be much cheaper on the AT%26T site than through Apple. Unless his findings were some sort of fluke it seems like a no-brainer that prospective ...

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iPhone 4's retina display claim put under the math microscope .
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/apple/iPhone_4_retina_display_claim_put_under_the_math_microscope'; Samsung might have entertained us with some trash t.

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First Broken iPhone 4 Shows New Glass Isn't That Resistant
The iPhone is made of aluminosilicate glass. Apple says it's "chemically strengthened to be 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic" and it's "ultradurable and more scratch resistant than ever." Well, not enough to survive a ...

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iPhone vs. Android Showdown: Which Phone Is Best for Power Users?
The newest iPhone comes out in two weeks; the Android OS continues to deploy on better and better hardware; and both operating systems roll out exciting new features and innovations with each release. So which deserves your hard-earned ...

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An iPhone Lover's (Initial) Thoughts On iPhone 4
This morning, my colleague Jason Kincaid wrote a very good and very level-headed post about the new iPhone (and the new iOS 4 software) from the perspective of an Android user. I'm going to come at it from the other angle.

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iOS 4 gold works with any compatible iPhone / iPod touch via .
Want to get your hands on an iOS 4-equipped device now without being a registered Apple developer? As a number of readers have pointed out,

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iPhone 4's seams explained, ready to solve AT%26T call issues .
When we first exposed the iPhone 4 to the world, many of you were skeptical about its authenticity. Frankly, so were we, initially anyway. A.

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iPhone 4 announced, launching June 24 for $199 with new FaceTime .
Apple has unveiled its new iPhone 4 after a couple wild, unprecedented months of leaks. Sure, it looks exactly like we expected it to.

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Next-Generation iPhone Expected Tomorrow
Apple is almost certainly going to take the wraps off its fourth-generation iPhone tomorrow. This is expected to be a significant upgrade from the current model, with a much better screen, faster processor, and twice as much storage.

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'iPhone vs Android' report finds Apple has three times Google's .
It's oftentimes easy for us to get swept up in Android mania and forget that Google's mobile platform is still in its infancy. Then we.

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AT%26T out of stock on iPhone 3G, offers unlimited iPad data plans .
Back to those 3G phones. AT%26T is telling customers who want a 3G to get either a 16 or 32GB 3GS iPhone. When the expected new iPhone comes out later this month, it's likely the 3GS model will drop in price, probably to US$99. ...

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AT%26T out of stock on iPhone 3G, offers unlimited iPad data plans .
Back to those 3G phones. AT%26T is telling customers who want a 3G to get either a 16 or 32GB 3GS iPhone. When the expected new iPhone comes out later this month, it's likely the 3GS model will drop in price, probably to US$99. ...

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AT%26T Officially Out of Stock of iPhone 3G - Mac Rumors
As if all of the evidence from late last month, including the removal of a.

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Daring Fireball: Countering the Perception That the iPhone OS Is .
Snell's argument is that Apple should do this to nip the argument that the iPhone is too closed. But if Apple did exactly what Snell argues, critics would still harp on the closed App Store. iPhone critics have seldom let facts get in ...

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Verizon Spokesman: No iPhone Plans in 'Immediate Future' - Mac Rumors
In a very brief response to a question from Beet.tv regarding the iPhone, Verizon spokesman John Johnson notes that the company is not planning to carry the iPhone in the.

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The saga of changing from an iPhone 2G. to an iPhone 2G
Because I have a lot of nice, good, and generous friends, many of whom are also gadget folks, I asked on the Twitter if anyone had an iPhone 2G that was sitting in a drawer after they had upgraded. My friend Jim Ray sent me his. ...

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iPhone 4 gets KIRFy with an antenna - Engadget
We're sort of loving the fact that Apple's next-gen iPhone is already being KIRFed up, and although we've already seen a couple clumsy.

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Steve Jobs: iPhone OS 'started on a tablet' - Engadget
digg_url = 'http://digg.com/gadgets/Steve_Jobs_at_D_iPhone_OS_started_on_a_tablet_Engadget'; Well, Steve Jobs just dropped a little nugget of hist.

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Exclusivo %26ndash; Chassis do iPhone 4G | iPhone Portugal - Tudo sobre o .
PS.: We forgot to say, this chassis/iPhone HD, makes the 3GS look like a toy ;) These parts were purchased in China by one of our readers (weren't stolen or.

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